First Electronic Mail from China to Germany
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 87 21:07 China Time From: "Mail Administration for China" <Mail@ze1> To: Zorn@germany, Rotert@germany, Wacker@germany, Finken@unika1 CC: [email protected], [email protected], jennings%irlean.bitnet@germany,, Wang@ze1, RZLI@ze1 Subject: First Electronic Mail from China to Germany "Ueber die Grosse Mauer erreichen wie alle Ecken der Welt" "Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world" Dies ist die erste ELECTRONIC MAIL, die von China aus ueber Rechnerkopplung in die internationalen Wissenschaftsnetze geschickt wird. This is the first ELECTRONIC MAIL supposed to be sent from China into the international scientific networks via computer interconnection between Beijing AND Karlsruhe, West Germany (Using CSNET/PMDF BS2000 Version). University of Karlsruhe Institute for Computer Application of -Informatik Rechnerabteilung- State Commission of Machine Industry (IRA) (ICA) Prof. Werner Zorn Prof. Wang Yun Feng Michael Finken Dr. Li Cheng Chiung Stefan Paulisch Qiu Lei Nan Michael Rotert Ruan Ren Cheng Gerhard Wacker Wei Bao Xian Hans Lackner Zhu Jiang Zhao Li Hua
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